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MLP Primary 4 English Fundamental (Writing) in topic Body Percussion

In English Fundamental (Writing) course for Primary 4, students are encouraged to memorize body percussion vocabulary before writing a paragraph on the topic 'The Sounds That You Can Make.' Students become active learners by listening and dancing to learn new words quickly, including clap, click, stomp, tap, pat, hum and whistle.

Before starting the lesson, the teachers let students know the new words related to body sounds, students stand up and listen as the teacher makes different sounds. After each sound, the students were encouraged to interpret the sound through movement or dance.

Next, students make a list of body sounds that they can make by themselves, and then let them write a paragraph about it using their information. This lesson was successful and enjoyable. The students were able to memorize the vocabulary accurately, and even now, they still remember it whenever the teacher asks.